Justyna Walczak

Head of the Office

She has been working for Nowakowski Law Firm since 2016. Her responsibilities include ensuring that the office functions efficiently, which covers registering incoming and outgoing mail, ordering office and food items, contacting the Clients, courts, offices and other institutions, as well supervising efficient circulation of documents. She also keeps personal calendar of Przemysław Nowakowski and ensures timely payments related to, among others, the Firm’s activities.

She is distinguished by punctuality, timeliness and reliability in the implementation of entrusted tasks.

She graduated from the University of Łódź, Faculty of Law and Administration, in the field of Public and Social Administration – specializing in Public Administration. She defended her master’s thesis ‘Bodies of the National Bank of Poland’ in 2013 in the Chair of Financial Law. She has been gaining professional experience since 2009, working, among others, in state institutions. She speaks communicative English.

She loves mountains and Russian culture.